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The Eagles Fly

A 20 minute documentary from 1996 covering the first 10 years of the Sheffield Eagles. It includes interviews and match footage highlighting the challenges and achievements of the first 10 years.

A DVD transfer from an original VHS tape that has then been digitised.

A Short History - From the Beginning

Long term fan, statistician and Club historian Nigel Borham provided the Heritage Project with a box full of DVDs, programmes and documents that he has collected over the years. It's going to be a long process of recording, digitising and scanning everything in there but one discovery was multiple copies of a DVD titled "The Eagles Fly". They were transfers from the original VHS tapes. Two of the copies were scratched and couldn't be properly digitised. The third after careful cleaning and the use of some additional software was able to converted.

Not much is known about it - it has a narration from Eddie Hemmings, an interview with Gary Hetherington and match footage from the first 10 years - including the Eagles' second ever game against Fulham - finishing at the dawn of the Super League era.

Sheffield Eagles - A Short History

A Short History - From the Beginning

Share Your Memories

Do you know anything else about the video? Do you have a copy of the original tape? Do you have any memories of the games shown? If you do get in touch HERE.


Richard King