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Celebrating the first 40 years

Find out more about the 40th anniversary celebrations of the Club.

The Heritage Project is working with the Club to celebrate its 40th anniversary, on 2nd September 2024, with a range of events, activities, booklets and special memorabilia.

How it began

You can read more about how the Sheffield Eagles started HERE including video of the whole first game including commentary. Did you also know that before the first ever competitive game on 2nd September, where the Eagles beat Rochdale Hornets 29-10, there were three friendly games. You can read about those HERE.

How we are celebrating the 40th anniversary

  • Badges - similar to the badge produced for the 25th anniversary of the Challenge Cup last year we'll be producing a badge to mark the 40th anniversary that will be for sale later in the year.
  • Heritage Game - this year's heritage game (the home game closest to the first ever game on 2nd September 1984) will be on Sunday 8th September, against Bradford. We'll be organising a series of guests and activities for the day, to be announced closer to the match.
  • Celebration dinner - the Heritage Project is supporting the Club in organising a celebration dinner in September to mark the 40th anniversary. This will similar to the Challenge Cup celebration meal with a three course meal, special guests and videos to mark the 40 years. You can find out more HERE.
  • 40 years of shirts - we're still in the process of pulling together details of every shirt the Club has ever played in before we photograph them. The photos will then form part of the Heritage Project website as well as being used as a key part of the 40th anniversary celebration.
  • Commemorative brochure - we're putting together a 24 page booklet celebrating the 40 years of the Sheffield Eagles. We'll cover the highs and lows, the achievements and the memories.
  • Heritage numbers - we're in the process of producing the final batches of heritage certificates for the men's, women's and wheelchair teams so that we can hand them out to players throughout the season.

40 from 40 Years

25th July 2024 saw the start of the countdown of "40 from 40 Years" - the list of 40 players each representing a season from the 40 years of the Sheffield Eagles. The final player will be revealed on 2nd September, which will be 40 years to the day of the Sheffield Eagles first competitive game - a 29-10 win against the Rochdale Hornets.

This list has been put together by the Sheffield Eagles Heritage Project who asked fans to nominate a player from each season. These nominations were then narrowed down to three from each year with fans asked to vote for one. This then created the "40 from 40 years" and we're sure there's going to be plenty of discussions about who has been included and who hasn't. 551 players have played for the men's team so far, so it was really difficult to narrow them down to 40.

You can find full details of the list, as they are revealed HERE.

SOAR - Fly with the Eagles

A free, 24 page booklet, aimed at 6-14 years olds available for free at Sheffield Eagles games, through the work of the Eagles Foundation and as a download. Find out more HERE.


Richard King